NOTE BOX – default
[alert style=”block” close=”0″ ]This is a paragraph in note box and a link. [/alert]
[code][alert style=”block” close=”0″]This is a paragraph in note box and a link. [/alert][/code]INFO BOX
[alert style=”info” close=”0″ ]This is a paragraph in info box and a link.[/alert]
[code][alert style=”info” close=”0″]This is a paragraph in info box and a link.[/alert][/code]SUCESS BOX
[alert style=”success” close=”0″ ]This is a paragraph in success box and a link.[/alert]
[code][ alert style=”success” close=”0″ ]This is a paragraph in success box and a link.[/alert][/code]ERROR BOX
[alert style=”error” close=”0″ ]This is a paragraph in error box and a link.
1. Message 1
2. Message 2[/alert]
[code][alert style=”error” close=”0″]This is a paragraph in error box.[/alert][/code]NOTICE BOX
[alert style=”notice” close=”0″ ]This is a paragraph in notice box and a link.[/alert]
[code][alert style=”notice” close=”1″ ]This is a paragraph in notice box and a link.[/alert][/code] [heading size=””]2. CLOSE BOX[/heading]NOTE BOX – default
[alert style=”block” close=”1″ ]This is a paragraph in note box and a link. [/alert]
[code][alert style=”block” close=”1″]This is a paragraph in note box. [/alert][/code]INFO BOX
[alert style=”info” close=”1″ ]This is a paragraph in info box and a link.[/alert]
[code][alert style=”info” close=”1″ ]This is a paragraph in info box and a link.[/alert][/code]SUCESS BOX
[alert style=”success” close=”1″ ]This is a paragraph in success box and a link.[/alert]
[code][alert style=”success” close=”1″]This is a paragraph in success box.[/alert][/code]ERROR BOX
[alert style=”error” close=”1″ ]This is a paragraph in error box and a link.
1. Message 1
2. Message 2[/alert]
[code][alert style=”error” close=”1″ ]This is a paragraph in error box[/alert][/code]NOTICE BOX
[alert style=”notice” close=”1″]This is a paragraph in notice box .[/alert]
[code][alert style=”notice” close=”1″]This is a paragraph in notice box.[/alert][/code]